Backstage Crew is a story by TheFanfox which follows Cara Aurata on her first day on the
Industrial Zone set. After being introduced to the crewmembers, an initiation event is set up for her which involves being chased around the set with the threat of being gunged in The Cockpit when caught.
The idea for Backstage Crew came to TheFanfox after reading a part of IZ6 at the end that dealt with members of the crew behind-the-scenes of the show. Realising that a giant television set such as Industrial Zone would be the perfect place to set something different, she merged the curiosity of what stories the crew could tell with one for a giant chase scene before a gunging and wrote Backstage Crew.
The story was written with a desire to explore the set of the show in a different way, and also from the point of view of a character who has had a past bad incident with gunge and therefore would see Industrial Zone and the people who work on it in a unique way to how most characters of gunge stories would be written.