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Lorna Lopford

Lorna Lopford

Born 2080
Species Rabbit
Description Black and white fur
Height -

Lorna Lopford is a Set Designer who belongs to the crew of Industrial Zone, noted for having both an amazing eye for detail as well as ambitions that sometimes aren't able to be realised. Lorna is currently tutoring Cara Aurata, trying her best to push the young Sand Cat further down the road to fully conquering her fears about gunge.

Lorna acts like a rabbit much younger than she actually is, and is known for being very childish and having trouble being serious, even cracking jokes when it might not actually be appropriate. She does know however how far she can push it before people start to get upset with her, and will actively stand up for her friends and colleagues if they need her to. She is very enthusiastic about trying out new machines, marvelling at how clever the mechanics of the IZ machines are - she can design a good shell to fit around them but she's clueless about how they work (beyond the safety measures every crew member are taught).

Lorna's surname is actually an old family name. She has lop-earred blood a few generations back, but is not a lop-earred rabbit herself.

Lorna was created by TheFanfox.


While Cara was written to embody the fear and nerves of her author, Lorna can be said to be the embodiment of her author's more chill attitude towards gunge - mixed in with some level of hyperness that made her a fun character to write.

Lorna is also canonically the rabbit who tangled with Cara during her first encounter in the chase set in Backstage Crew.


characters/lorna_lopford.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/08 23:02 (external edit)