Birthyear | 2015 |
Species | AI (Sarcastic type) |
Description | Yellow lion-like wireframe head with fiery miasma forming a mane |
ROB stands for Robotic Overseer Brain and is the artificial intelligence that controls the systems of the IZEP ocean complex in Industrial Zone. His name is pronounced as individual letters. He serves as the replacement for the seasons 1 and 2 antagonist
Silicon, and appears as a yellow wireframe face on screens around the building - like his predecessor, he is controlled with a facial mask.
During the revamp, the showrunners realized that they weren't using Silicon to his full potential and chose to replace him with a foil to Alex Redwolf with more of a personality beyond just being a cliched evil AI. In contrast to Alex, ROB is sardonic and grumpy, with a disdain towards organic life because of the IZEP management having ignored his warnings, therefore causing the ocean disaster. However, with some persuasion he can be convinced to help the team get around.
ROB's name comes from the initials of original Crystal Maze host Richard O'Brien, and the meaning behind his name was made up after the fact.