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Cleanup Crew 2

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Year Set2107-01-01


After Uma Westman's whim nomination of her sister Rachel Westman in An Evening With Uma, she and her boyfriend Dalziel Wye have found themselves competing on Cleanup Crew to win the chance to drop Rachel into the infamous Gunge Plunge. They compete against Raph Hanes and Gaby Caville on the orange team who have brought on Gaby's own sister Gina Caville.

Games Played

GameGreen ScoreOrange ScoreGreen TotalOrange Total
First Cleanup60606060
Spark Wire6080120140
Questions Round 13030150170
Capture the Castle8020230190
Questions Round 22040250230
Gunge Hoist10060350290
stories/cleanup_crew_2.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/18 02:48 by ironk