{zstorydetails:iz7} The seventh and final {zshow:iz} story is told from the perspective of {zchar:nyte}, the sole male team member among {zchar:isla}, {zchar:becky} and {zchar:quinne}. The character for Quinne was offered by FyreFennec, who also provided input for some dialogue during the games and wrote several additional scenes. After existing scattered across various individual stories since it was written, the complete story was finally compiled into the "Ultimate Edition" in 2019. The team scored 1450 mostly due to performing very well in the last area of the base, which gave them enough time to beat the finale and to become the first winning team of the third IZ season. The half-time game starred {zchar:guest:tina}, who was nominated for Industrial Zone by her flatmates for routinely tracking mud into their house. === Rooms Played === CALL GetGamesForEpisode(7) {zstorychars:iz7}