===== Industrial Zone 5 =====
{{ :stories:iz5new.png?nolink |}}
[[http://ironworks.me/stories/iz/iz5.txt|READ INDUSTRIAL ZONE 5]]
The fifth {zshow:iz} story reworked many of the show's elements that had been made up on the fly and put them into a new more consistent setting and storyline - in-universe, the rework was written as the transition from the show's second season to its third. Industrial Zone 5 has {zchar:jess} as its protagonist, who competes in the first recorded episode of the new season along with {zchar:skye}, {zchar:helen} and {zchar:yasa}. They score 1250 points out of a possible 2000.
The half-time game featured tigress twins {zchar:ginger}, who were gunged after failing to recite the alphabet backwards.
=== Rooms Played ===
CALL GetGamesForEpisode(5)
=== Characters ===