===== Industrial Zone 3 =====
{{ :stories:iz3.png?nolink |}}
[[http://ironworks.me/stories/iz/iz3.txt|READ INDUSTRIAL ZONE 3]]
Industrial Zone 3 was the first {zshow:iz} story to be written collaboratively, with Susi contributing the characters and several of the scenes. In it, the protagonist {zchar:wolf} who had envied his friend {zchar:electra} for her chance to appear on the show finally gets his chance as well, along with {zchar:kamo}, {zchar:indy} and {zchar:crystal}.
The team ended the show with 600 points out of a possible 960 - an adjustment to the scoring system where sixty points were awarded per game instead of fifty, therefore making them easier to divide up among four contestants. Therefore, despite having the highest score so far, they didn't actually collect as many of the points available to them as the teams in {zstory:iz1} or {zstory:iz2} did.
=== Rooms Played ===
CALL GetGamesForEpisode(3)
=== Characters ===