{zstorydetails:cc2} After {zchar:uma}'s whim nomination of her sister {zchar:rachel} in {zstory:uma}, she and her boyfriend {zchar:dalziel} have found themselves competing on {zshow:cc} to win the chance to drop Rachel into the infamous Gunge Plunge. They compete against {zchar:raph} and {zchar:gaby} on the orange team who have brought on Gaby's own sister {zchar:gina}. ==== Games Played ==== |Game|Green Score|Orange Score|Green Total|Orange Total| |First Cleanup|60|60|60|60| |Spark Wire|60|80|120|140| |Questions Round 1|30|30|150|170| |Capture the Castle|80|20|230|190| |Questions Round 2|20|40|250|230| |Gunge Hoist|100|60|350|290|