====== Splatter Chair ======
=== Splatter Chair ===
| **Location** | Orbital Station |
| **First appearance** | [[stories:Industrial Zone 4]] |
This game takes place in the bridge of the base, a circular room with banks of computers lining the walls. In its centre on a raised platform, a cockpit chair is mounted underneath a cylindrical tank suspended from the ceiling with a showerhead on its bottom. A semicircle of pipes stick out of the ground at the front, turning so their nozzles are aimed at the chair.
The player has to sit down and hold both of the handles on the chair's arms forward to activate the gunge, starting with a spray of translucent stuff from the tank above them and gradually being joined by sprays of slime and foam shooting at them from the pipes surrounding them. The game is scored by how long the player can hold the handles before letting one of them go, with the aim to take the onslaught for a full minute.
==== Appearances ====
CALL GetPlaysOfGame(36)