====== Soft Room ======
=== Soft Room ===
| **Location** | Chemical Plant |
| **First appearance** | [[stories:Industrial Zone 3]] |
The Soft Room is a strange small room of unknown purpose in the Chemical Plant section of the {zshow:iz}. All its surfaces are lined with a translucent inflatable material with pulsing lights visible below its surface. The floor at one side of the room dips down to form a pit along one wall about six feet deep, with a foot-thick layer of shaving foam in it and a cluster of pipes pointing down into it from above.
A chosen team member has to slide into the pit and search among the foam for the ten small electronic balls that act as keys to the room, throwing them out to their team on the surface to insert them next to the door. More foam is pumped into the pit while they're in there, making the search harder. If the player hasn't been pulled out of the pit when the time limit expires, they're covered in gunge from the overhead pipes.
==== Appearances ====
CALL GetPlaysOfGame(30)