====== Sludgecube ======
{{ :izgames:sludgecube.jpg?300 |}}
=== Sludgecube ===
| **Season 2 Location** | Security Station |
| **Season 3 Location** | Undersea Level |
| **First appearance** | {zstory:iz1} |
The Sludgecube is the {zshow:iz}'s most intimidating contraption, designed to make even the players most eager for gunge a little nervous. It's a cube-shaped metal chamber about eight feet on one side, with a clear door on the front that can be rolled upwards to allow players in or out - alternatively, there is a hatch on its ceiling. It dominates a dingy room in the lowest level of the base, surrounded by a tangle of pipes that stretch from its walls and ceiling to the edges of the room.
When activated, the pipes will pour or spray an onslaught of murky brown gunge into the chamber and whoever's inside it, eventually filling up the cube to waist height. In the third season, this is said to be all the mud and soil that's left over after excavating the ocean floor.
The Sludgecube is usually reserved for the show's finale or special guest game, or for games involving the entire team having to help at least some of them escape from the cube's messy conclusion.
==== Appearances ====
CALL GetPlaysOfGame(13)