====== Pumping Room ======
=== Pumping Room ===
| **Location** | Undersea Level |
| **First appearance** | [[stories:Industrial Zone 6]] |
The Pumping Room exists in the corner of the undersea level of the {zshow:iz} behind a submarine-style bulkhead. The floor is a metallic mesh, under which can be seen a tangle of pipes which continue up along the walls and into the ceiling, with the entire room lit in a dim red.
The main feature of the room is a vat of green gunge set into the floor that can be opened and closed with an aperture-style cover. A seat sits on the edge of the vat, underneath a pipe leading to a large gunge reservoir with a clear window on the front, which allows people to see the tank filling gradually. Opposite the chair, a slow-moving conveyor belt on the floor also rolls towards the gunge. Other gunge machinery can be connected up in this room as needed.
Various games can be played in this room, but one of the main ones involves three team-mates trying to keep the tank on the ceiling from filling up and eventually gunging their nominated player. They have to look for warning lights blinking on at the ceiling, then trace the pipe they're attached to down to a trigger on the wall or floor and hit the trigger to shut off the pipe. If a wrong trigger is pressed, the pipe turns on instead, filling the tank faster.
==== Appearances ====
CALL GetPlaysOfGame(46)