{zchardetails:rachel} Rachel is a blonde jaguar, upbeat and vivacious with the stereotype of a California beach blonde about her. She was encouraged to apply for {zshow:iz} by her then-boyfriend, a raccoon called {zchar:davidr}, who was harbouring a slime fetish and wanted to see her gunged in the most spectacular way possible. She was invited on to its second season when she was 19 and took part along with {zchar:gwen}, {zchar:electra} and {zchar:cleo}. She avoided most of the gunge until {zchar:alex} invited the team to get revenge on her by putting her in the {zgame:triple_tank}, and was then slimed in the {zgame:production_conveyor} and {zgame:season_2_finale}. A friendly argument between her, {zchar:uma} and Uma's boyfriend {zchar:dalziel} led to the three of them unexpectedly appearing on {zshow:cc} against {zchar:Raph}, {zchar:Gaby} and {zchar:Gina}. After a close match, Rachel lost the final round and was the one dropped into the Gunge Plunge. Later on in life, she becomes a preschool teacher, and is mildly famous (and infamous among parents who have heard them so many hundreds of times) for being the voice on a series of published songs she wrote for toddlers. ==== Influences ==== Rachel was made up as a stereotype of a sexy but airheaded blonde. In the very first draft of the first scene of Industrial Zone she was imagined as a Caucasian human, but was quickly changed to a leopard and then a jaguar purely because Iron-K realized he found "leopard" awkward to spell. Her furry appearance came from the first furry site that Iron-K ever discovered, [[http://www.bondofox.net/galleries/ironbadger/cb2.jpg|a picture of a cheetah girl on BondoFox]]. ==== Relationships ==== {zchar:uma} - Sister