{zchardetails:heather} Heather is a fiery pink hedgehog girl, and is the daughter of {zchar:mathis}. Just after her last day of high school, her dad asked her to take part in a pilot for a messy game show that they were producing at the studio where he worked (which eventually became {zshow:cc}). Though she was hesitant at first, he eventually bribed her by allowing her to use the family car during the evenings for a week - and while she first thought of gunge as embarrassing and childish, she ended up having a good time with the help of her enthusiastic teammate {zchar:vicky}. Vicky got back in touch with her a few years later to ask if Heather wanted to reunite to form a team on {zshow:frightnight}. This time, Heather was glad to take part. She's a fan of metal and punk music, and started learning the guitar herself when she was 15.