====== Gwyneth Sorwen ====== === Gwyneth Sorwen === {{tablelayout?colwidth="150px,150px"}} | **Born** | 2054 | | **Species** | Mouse | | **Description** | Pink and voluptuous | | **Height** | 5'5" | Gwyneth is {zchar:Gwen}'s mother, and the partner of {zchar:dafydd}. Gwen inherited her plush body type and bright pink colour from her. She's a bit of a worrier compared to her partner's more relaxed attitude. She also made no secret of not liking watching people being gunged on the show that Gwen and her dad watched together, therefore accidentally making it something Gwen felt guilty about and turning it into a repressed interest. ==== Relationships ==== * {zchar:dafydd} - Partner * {zchar:gwen} - Daughter ==== Appearances ==== {zcharstories:gwyneth}