{zchardetails:ginger} Ginger and Anise are a pair of twin sisters who are both redheaded tigers - they're difficult to tell apart, but Ginger usually wears her hair slightly longer than Anise does. They applied to be on {zshow:iz} when they were 20 years old, with Ginger being the one who was most enthusiastic - she convinced Anise to put her name down as well so that if Anise's name were picked she could go in her place. Unfortunately for Anise, the crew decided to invite them both on together to be put in [[izgames:Niagara]] as part of the guest game in {zstory:iz5} - and Anise agreed to go along to help her sister get her dream of being gunged. They were challenged to recite the alphabet backwards within 30 seconds and didn't get halfway before the gunge tank went off. After taking part as a gunge pourer for the team's final game, Ginger volunteered to be slimed again, and {zchar:Alex} was happy to put her in the dunk seat to be dropped into the vat of gunge.