{zchardetails:electra} Electra is a small and initially timid blue rabbit. Her family lives on one of the islands off the coast of {zplace:caledon}, where {zchar:Wolf} has been a close friend to her all her life. She went to university at {zplace:weiss} in {zplace:bergheim}, where she met {zchar:khimri}. She came to the be on Industrial Zone because her high school held its own quiz with the offer of sending some of their brightest students on to take part in television games. Electra won easily and chose to take part in {zshow:iz} without a full understanding of what it was. When she found out that the show involved being gunged, she was very hesitant but felt she was stuck with it - she didn't want to cause trouble by trying to swap with someone, and decided to swallow her fears. Despite her huge nervousness on the day of recording, she was able to loosen up and enjoy herself thanks to her teammates {zchar:gwen}, {zchar:cleo} and {zchar:rachel}, who she has all kept in touch with since. For her 19th birthday, {zchar:Wolf} secretly invited her teammates over to the island to reunite and play some more messy games together in {zstory:electra}. Since the recording, she has been much less shy in her daily life as well, provided she's with people she trusts. ==== Relationships ==== * {zchar:khimri} - Romantic * {zchar:wolf} - Friend