{zchardetails:dai} Dai Mellingbourne is a nervous but fiercely curious rat. He was an avid but closeted fan of watching {zshow:iz} as a teenager, owing to being embarrassed about enjoying the show's messy nature. Usually, he would rely on online uploads of the show as he was too embarassed to watch it at home with his family around. Dai had only just hit the minimum age requirement for appearing on the show when it was in its final series on television in 2108, but nerves repeatedly held him back from actually applying. Even in the present day he still finds it difficult to open up about his love of gunge. After happening on {zchar:gwen}'s old casting sheet years later when starting his new job, his memories of watching the show gave him the kick he needed to reach out and actually meet to talk with her about her experiences in {zstory:adayoutwithgwen}. Later on, he was gunged on {zshow:gyob} by one of the younger regulars at his local arcade. He works in {zplace:angliacity} as a marketing assistant for {zplace:060marketing}.