{zchardetails:ander} Ander is a parakeet who works as a research assistant on {zshow:iz} and is one of the youngest members on the crew. He has purple eyes and purple-tipped tail feathers, with the green feathers on his head arranged into a spiked hairstyle. He was the first crewmember that {zchar:cara} met apart from {zchar:alex} and {zchar:blue}, and earned the nickname "blabber-beak" from her because of his inability to keep secrets. He's friendly and warm but tends to be scatterbrained and disorganized. He was the one who found {zchar:cara} during her initiation chase, but the first time they encountered each other he was kind enough to let her go. The second time he took his chance, and earned the prize of hitting the button to gunge her, but ended up dragged into {zgame:the_cockpit} along with her for the gunging. His favourite {zshow:iz} machine is [[izgames:The Pod]]. ==== Appearances ==== {zcharstories:ander}