Birthyear | 2086 |
Species | Fennec |
Description | Pink fennec girl, excitable and enthusiastic |
Height | 5' 2" |
Artist | Fyrefennec |
Quintessa Valentine, commonly called "Quinne", is a character by FyreFennec who came to the Zoniverse in Industrial Zone 7. She is a short pink fennec fox with a bubbly, enthusiastic personality that can catch people off guard given her passion for heavy boots, piercings, motorbiking and heavy metal. She plays the guitar and is the lead singer of a metal band called Fyrefox with her friends Zack and Reiko. She has a thick Northern accent.
Living very much in the moment, her time management is not the best - she relies on Zack's sister Delta to keep her organized, but enjoys winding her up. She nominated Delta to join her on her appearance on
Industrial Zone and got the chance to drop her into the Treatment Pool with a personalized game involving flinging boots at targets.