Birthyear | 2086 |
Species | Raptor |
Description | Deep blue, voluptuous, sexy and knows it |
Height | 5' 7" |
Artist | Fluffball |
Isla is a deep blue raptor, often more vaguely described as a lizardess. She comes from a wealthy family - her mother is a partner at a large real estate agency, and her father owns a design firm. During her childhood they never actively pushed her into staying away from childish games or entertainment, but just due to their personalities she felt she had to act more responsible and mature than her age. When visiting friends' houses at weekend sleepovers, she was quietly fascinated by the anarchic Saturday morning television they had on in the background and felt an uncomfortable kind of excitement whenever the subject of the green slime they covered people in came up - especially when anyone on the shows played a game that involved their parents, as it was so far away from anything she would ever have done with her own family.
She applied for Industrial Zone as soon as she turned eighteen, just for the thrill of it and not expecting to be noticed - it was a sign of her new-found freedom as she no longer lived with her parents, and was something that she wouldn't have been comfortable with doing at home. She met
Nyte Argent at the studio when he appeared on the same team, and fell in love with his unsure personality and how he reacted when they were put into games together. After their appearance, they continued to talk daily online, visited each other a few times and became long-term partners.
Isla is very afraid of being in the dark, even forfeiting her first potential gunging on Industrial Zone despite anticipating it so much because of the game involving having to be in a dark space. She sleeps with a night light when at all possible.
As Isla became a young adult, she was very aware of the male attention that her voluptuous figure inspired, and enjoyed using her power to flirt while being confident enough in herself to shut down anyone who stepped too far against her wishes. Her first time having sex was with Marek Kolti when they were in late high school - she had visited his parents' house for them to work on a final year team project, but caught him watching a
Kelly Nightshade scene on his computer. The encounter ended disappointingly when he lasted only a few seconds.
Since then she's had sex with a long list of people - she's very casual in her attitude, but makes sure Nyte is comfortable with any participation. She's developed a keen sense of what will arouse a new partner and make them orgasm, and particularly likes teasing furry sex partners who are fascinated with her exotic completely smooth figure.
Isla was the third curvy lizard girl to have a starring role in Industrial Zone - she was intended as a callback to Gwen Sorwen in the first episode, but with a very different more confident personality. She became both a fan favourite and author favourite very quickly!
Nyte Argent - Romantic